Behaviors of EER transmitter with class-E amplifier due to MOSFET parasitic capacitances
Xiuqin Wei, Tomoharu Nagashima, Hiroo Sekiya, and Tadashi Suetsugu
The 26th WorkShop on Circuits and Systems, pp.380-384, July 2013. [pdf document]


This paper presents analytical expressions of the MOSFET-parasitic-capacitance effects on the output envelope of the EER transmitter, taking into account the MOSFET linear gate-to-drain and nonlinear drain-to-source parasitic capacitances in the class-E amplifier. The analysis is useful to predict the behavior of the EER transmitter using the class-E amplifier. It is shown that the envelope of the output voltage is not in proportion to the dc-supply voltage due to the MOSFET-parasitic-capacitance effects. Additionally, the driving voltage waveform affects the output-voltage amplitude and phase shift between the driving voltage and the output voltage.


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