IEEE 802.11p EDCA 無線ネットワークにおけるCW値が与えるネットワーク特性への影響および解析手法の提案
伊熊真太郎, グエンキエン, 関屋大雄
知的環境とセンサネットワーク研究会, vol.118, no.428, pp.95-100, Jan. 2019. [pdf document]


Many throughput analyses of IEEE 802.11p Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA), which is standardization for vehi-cle-to-vehicle and road-to-vehicle communications, have been established. However, the previous analytical predictions using IEEE 802.11p system parameters differ from those of simulations. In partic- ular, there is a large error in the saturated throughput and the saturation point. The purpose of this paper is to explain the reason why the differences appear in the previous model and propose modified model. The validity of the proposed models is confirmed by the quantitative agreements between analytical predictions and simulation results.


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