Measuring Power Consumption of IoT Devices in IoT-Blockchain Systems
Haruki Kurisaka, Jong-Deok Kim, Kien Nguyen and Hiroo Sekiya
KJCCS, Jan. 2024. [pdf document]


The Internet of Things (IoT), with many potential applications, such as smart homes, faces security and privacy protection challenges. Blockchain stands out as a technology that addresses the challenges due to its inherent characteristics, including decentralization, tamper-proof, and immutability. This work investigates the integration of Blockchain with IoT in an IoT-Blockchain system in which the IoT device is battery-powered and resource- constrained. Therefore, understanding the performance implications when using resource-intensive Blockchain is of utmost importance. In this study, we constructed a private IoT-Blockchain system using Ethereum and Raspberry Pi 4 and conducted an evaluation of power consumption, a crucial factor related to the lifetime of IoT devices. We considered two popular consensus algorithms in Ethereum: Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Authority (PoA). The evaluation results indicate that the power consumption of PoW is twice that of PoA.


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